Created in God’s Image

Anyone who has children has experienced the onslaught of “Your child looks just like…” comments. It’s always interesting to hear peoples’ opinions, though sometimes I don’t agree. Our baby is most often reported to look “just like Adam,” and it’s true that he bears a striking resemblance to Jonathan’s baby pictures. Our other son seems to look a bit more like my side of the family, but his personality traits reveal that he is, without a doubt, Adam’s son as well. Watching him is like seeing the childhood stories of Adam come to life. Both boys are little pictures of their daddy.

Kids carry many of their parents’ traits, both good and bad. Courteous parents usually have courteous children. Parents who yell will see it reflected back in their children. I was reminded of this when one of Adam’s students told him, ““I know you don‘’t use bad language, ‘cuz your kids don’‘t say bad words.””

We were created in God’s image——little pictures of our Father. After sin, our characters became selfish; warping the image of God in us. Jesus came to show that, through a living relationship with the Father, we could be restored into His image. The night before Jesus was crucified, when a disciple asked Him to show them the Father, He replied, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). God wants to re-create each of us in His image, painting His beautiful character into our lives. This amazing transformation takes place as we spend time with Jesus. It is our prayer that, as we daily behold Jesus, we will become like Him, and the Great-River People will see an increasingly clear picture of our heavenly Father in us.

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