In God’s Will

“Mom, I had a dream,” Grace exclaimed as she bounced out of bed. “It was so real, I thought I was really there.”

“What did you dream?” I asked.

“I dreamed that there was a huge flood, but all of the missionaries were safe in the ark. When we came back to look at our village, all the houses in the village were flooded but ours. Our house was full of village people taking refuge. Our friends were there. But when I looked over to where the Mosque was supposed to be, it was gone. Instead there was a Catholic church there.” Somehow, this dream stood out from the silly dreams my children often share.

Shortly after arriving here, I had been wrestling with our calling. Someone had given us some recorded sermons by a well-known and respected Adventist pastor. In one sermon, he repeatedly said that the three angels’ messages were only for the Christian world. “After all,” he said, “the call is to leave Babylon, not Buddhism, Hinduism or Islam.”

I was taken off guard. I highly respected the speaker, so it made me think. Had we left God’s true calling for us? Philip had been very happy pastoring, spreading the three angels’ messages to the Christian world. And now? Day after day, week after week, we were struggling to learn a new language in order to reach a non-Christian people group. Did our people need to hear the three angels’ messages, or was a watered-down gospel all that God expected them to receive in order to stand through these last days?

Then I remembered why we came here in the first place. The reason was straight out of Revelation 14. This judgment hour message was to go to every “nation, kindred, tongue and people.”

“Lord,” I prayed, “I know that what You have said in Your Word is true, and that’s enough! But please indulge your daughter one request. Show me in a tangible way that we are in Your will and that You look with favor upon our efforts.”

Only a day or two later, Grace shared her dream with me. Right away, I knew that God had answered me.

Friends, Jesus is coming soon. There is a flood coming that will sweep the whole world into its deceptive billows. God has sent us the three angels’ messages to prepare for it. Will there be a shelter found for the people of your neighborhood?

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