Houses of Benin

It was interesting to visit the houses of our Otammari Project teammates in Benin. Suzy lives in the Otammari section of Natitingou surrounded by many neighbors and lots of pubs that pump out loud music late into the night. Her property is surrounded by a wall, and there’s only enough space for some chickens and her car. Her house is quite small with a low roof and few windows and only enough living space for her and the two children who stay with her.

Toussaint and Uli live on the outskirts of town in a fairly quiet section. Only one bar is within earshot, and it stops playing music at a reasonable hour of the evening. Fields surround their house where people farm and kids play soccer, Their house is much more spacious than Suzy’s, with a high roof and large windows letting in plenty of light.

More interesting than the differences, though, were the similarities. In both houses, I was seldom the only visitor at meals. Neighborhood kids in both parts of town know where to go for good food! There were also many adult visitors. It seemed there was never a time when at least one visitor was not around. They might be visitors, but they aren’t strangers. Many people make themselves at home in those two houses. Both missionary homes also serve as medical clinics for their neighborhoods, supplying charcoal and other natural remedies for an endless stream of wounds and illnesses. The houses look different from the outside, but the same spirit of love and service inhabits both.

Maggi and I look forward to having our own house in Benin in a year or so. Wherever it might be, and whatever size it might be, we look forward to learning from Suzy and Uli how to turn our house into a home where all are welcome.

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