Great Friendships

“I love your God,” my new friend Aoy told me after we went to the coffee shop together. I thought this was so sweet.

Kyle Tumberg had asked me if I had time to teach English and study the Bible with one of the parents of the Peace Music Academy students. I was excited about the opportunity, and I quickly jumped on it. We arranged a time for the three of us to meet, and I felt extremely confident we would be a fit.

Aoy and I started meeting at a different coffee shop (Thailand has many of these) each week to practice English, read from a children’s Bible and pray.

I love how Aoy has become a dear friend to me during this time, and I feel so blessed and thankful. Every week I look forward to my time with Aoy. She is always happy. My girls have taught her how to make tortillas and have introduced her to Tex-Mex food. They have also taught her some table games, which she was excited to share with her kids. Right before we came on furlough, our families went camping together.

Leaving family and friends behind to live across the world is not always easy. However, God has a way of sending friends our way to bring joy and fellowship.

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