Gogodala Beliefs

The Gogodala have some interesting beliefs about their race’s origin.

“In origin stories, the first ancestral beings migrated to the area in large and powerful canoes . . . . The Gogodala clan system was established when Ibali, the father of all Gogodala, allocated a powerful canoe and canoe design to eight of his sons and, based on these, they became ‘fathers’ of their respective clans. These eight clan canoes metaphorically identify and allocate people with land, names, food, animals and define social relations and responsibilities” (Charles Wilde, The Australian Journal of Anthropology, p. 288).

Saweta, a Gogodala village of about 300 situated beside the Aramia River, will be our home for our first year in Papua New Guinea. We have heard that most of its residents are related to each other. Mr. Danegi, the owner of the house we will be living in until we are able to build our own, has many family members in this village. Our hope and prayer is that we will be able to form friendships with the leaders of the village so they will desire to know more about what we believe and allow us to share the gospel with the rest of the villagers. Experience has shown that when clan leaders are influenced by new beliefs, the whole clan will most likely accept them.

Thank-you to our team members who have given to this project and helped us reach our launching and monthly goals. Because of your commitment, the Gogodala people will have the opportunity to accept Christ’s salvation.

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