God’s Assignment

I never intended to be a missionary. Just like every little boy, I was going to be an astronaut. That is, until I met God. You see, I had always known about Him, but after actually meeting Him, I found a happiness and purpose that changed my life. From that moment on, I knew that, whatever I did, I would be sharing this relationship with others.

My family still served with AFM in the Philippines at this point, and I began to notice what had always surrounded me. Myriads of people lived in a hopelessness that went far, far beyond physical living conditions. They had no escape. On trips back to the States, I noticed how many people were working for the lost there and how readily available Christian resources were. As this contrast sank in, I realized I had to work for the unreached people groups of the world.

After steering me away from mission aviation, God convicted me I was to be a church planter. In May 2004, I traveled to the edge of Batangan territory attempting to start a new AFM project among them. I never thought I would be the missionary to the Batangan, though. After all, I was just starting high school.

However, as the years passed, my conviction grew stronger and stronger that I was to go to the Batangan. Everything I could do to test the calling only increased my burning desire to go to them. I realized God had been preparing me for this since I was a child, and He had opened every door.

Today, as you read this, I go to meet my people. Please pray. Satan is working hard against me, but I am confident, for God never loses.

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