From Dysfunction to a Promoter of God

So much of the time we are just walking along on the day’s journey not considering the overall impact we have on others. Even just going for a walk, we tend to forget that people are watching and mindful of what we are doing. During this week of training the following three things really honed in on this truth:
1. The way we live is the gospel we preach
2. The prerequisite for effective church planting is personal transformation
3. We need to go from our dysfunctional lives to being a promoter God
Allowing God alone to be the catalyst is the only way change will be inhibited in us and others.
Please keep us in your prayers as God uses His refining tools in our lives. The process is painful but very necessary for us to be used by Him. Pray also that we get more monthly supporters to join us so we can launch later his year.
Thank you so much for your love of the unreached!


Great spiritual lesson from a few steps. 

Try a few angles to change the mood.  The feet from above (as you did); legs and feet from behind; watching a spot on the gr***** a foot steps down and lifts up and leaves a print; following someone else as foot level.  What different moods did you create?

By AFM on June 18 2014, 11:43 am

Thanks for the insights. We will try doing that next time.

By AnD Hooker on June 18 2014, 8:44 pm

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