Family Camp

Last summer, we had the joy of attending family camp. One of the many classes they offered that week was songwriting. I wrote a song around my personal testimony.

I was workin’ for myself
in a way, but something was missing.
I prayed, “Lord, I need a change
but I know Your will might mean waiting.”
Then I read in Your word, “Go ye to the world.”
It made me ponder, really ponder and think.

Could “go ye” mean me?
Do I take it personally?
I thought it was for others,
But You called out my name.
Could “go ye” mean me?
I never thought I’d see
That truly “go ye, go ye”
Means God goes with me.

Jesus, our Commander-in-chief, gave us the great commission, “Go ye.” It is easier to sit on the sidelines than to venture out onto the field. Some of us have been warming the bench for so long that when the Coach calls out our name, we assume He is talking to someone else. We overlook the fact that God has prepared us for this particular moment in history. He expects us to step forward and be counted for such a time as this. But there’s comfort in the great commission. It starts out with, “Go ye,” but it ends with, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” When God asks you to go to the front lines, He goes with you.

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