Dr. Conrad Vine Steps Aside from his Leadership Role at AFM

Image for Dr. Conrad Vine Steps Aside from his Leadership Role at AFM

To my AFM family (colleagues in ministry, donors, prayer partners and ministry supporters):

I am writing to let you know that, after much prayer and deliberation, I have decided to step aside from my leadership role at AFM, effective March 31, 2025.

God brought my family and me to AFM in August 2011 in a providential manner, and since then He has blessed our ministry in countless ways. Through the sacrifices of donors, the boldness of front-line colleagues, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, precious souls have been won and congregations planted all around the world among the unreached. Jesus Himself has personally gone before us in miraculous ways!

My family and I have been immensely blessed over these years, and I trust that we, in turn, have been able to impart some blessing through our service. My goal has always been to help each frontline worker thrive in ministry: your successes have been my delight. If, during these years, I have offended anyone, I humbly ask for your forgiveness. My family and I will cherish the friendships and memories made, and we will remain committed supporters of AFM in the coming years.

Yet, there is a time in life for everything, and now is the time for me to step aside, to make way for fresh leadership to build on the accomplishments of these years together, and to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit into a new chapter of ministry.

Such times of transition are never easy. In these moments, we need the assurance of God’s presence. And so I leave you with God’s promises to Joshua that have carried me through each day of ministry at AFM, and which I pray will strengthen each of us in the days ahead: “I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).

Until Jesus returns, may we each be found faithful in whatever portion of the vineyard God has called us to serve.


AFM Board of Director’s Response

As we respectfully accept Dr. Conrad Vine’s decision to resign as president of Adventist Frontier Missions, we reflect on the miraculous ways the Lord has blessed this organization through the leadership and ministry of Dr. Conrad, his wife Luda, and their children.

Over these fourteen years God has opened doors to new unreached people groups and global fields, multiplied the number of missionaries, and expanded the AFM network to include three sister missionary-sending organizations in South Africa, South America and the European Union. He has also inspired a new generation of young missionaries to carry the Three Angels’ Messages to unreached people groups across this planet.

Today, thanks to the tireless work of our AFM missionaries and staff, combined with the sacrificial generosity of our AFM donors, this mission organization is poised to help fulfill Jesus’ commission to “go and make disciples of all nations” in this generation. For all that Dr. Conrad Vine has done to lead us into this Kingdom adventure, we praise and thank God. We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Conrad Vine for his years of tireless service and dedication to AFM. May the Holy Spirit attend Dr. Conrad in his new chapter of ministry and guide AFM in our ever-expanding vision to reach the unreached before Jesus returns. “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

The AFM Board of Directors

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