Blessed by You

“While I was being treated for cancer, I suffered a stroke,” a widow friend told me in a recent conversation. “The doctors think it is related to the treatment they were giving me. I don’t know how people can go through things like this without God. He is my consolation. I know He is with me.”

“My dad has Parkinson’s now, but I see how God is working in his life,” another supporter recently shared with me.

“My best friend just died from cancer, and then my mother-in-law died right afterward without any warning. It has been really hard, but God has given me strength and revealed new spiritual truths to me,” another friend confided.

“I see how God has blessed, even when my husband got Alzheimer’s,” an elderly lady declared.

“I had to close the office,” a friend told us. “Please pray for the workers we had to lay off. We have peace, but many of them are scared.”

These stories and many others are on my heart. Evidence of the great battle between God and Satan is all around us. Multitudes are sick, hurting and scared. We are all in this battle together. No one is exempt.

But I am encouraged and blessed by you, our supporters. Amid the pain that life brings, I draw strength from your hope in Jesus and how you live by faith in His promises. I have been so humbled by the faithfulness and generosity of so many of you who regularly sacrifice to share this hope with the unreached, even when you are in pain yourselves.

Following Jesus doesn’t mean we are exempt from pain and suffering or suddenly taken out of the battle. It means we’re on the winning side. Even if we lose our lives in battle, we are victors in Christ!

Thank you so much for sharing your faith in Christ’s victory with those who don’t know!

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