Bless God

“God will test the faith of every soul. Christ has purchased us at an infinite sacrifice. Although He was rich, yet for our sake He became poor, that we through His poverty might come into possession of eternal riches” (RH Jan. 4, 1906).

Why do we send missionaries? Why do we go as missionaries? These questions come up occasionally while we are fundraising.

The regions of the world where freedom and prosperity abound are also regions where the gospel is available. God gives material blessings in these regions so His people can spread the message of salvation to all areas of the world.

Jesus left the infinite wealth of heaven to come to this poverty-stricken, sin-darkened planet for us. Earth’s riches are but rags compared to the eternal riches of heaven. By comparison, what is it for us to transport ourselves from one spot to another on this speck of cosmic dust we call Earth for the sake of Christ who gave up heaven for us?

Has God blessed you? Bless Him back. I am going to suggest three steps to doing this. Step 1: As you read Adventist Frontiers magazine, go to your knees and ask God what you can do for Him. Make yourself available to Him. Pray for each missionary and mission project. Step 2: Go to His word. “Seek and ye shall find.” Step 3: Knock on God’s door of opportunity by supporting AFM through donation or application. Then see what God will do. You will be amazed.

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