
Arraya is the young mother of a preschool-aged girl and boy. She lives with her in-laws and their extended family, and her children have grown up in a house full of cousins. We have known most of the cousins since they were babies, supporting their development over the past eight years. We were there and prayed for Arraya’s health during both of her pregnancies and have encouraged and supported her through various family and financial struggles over the years. Her children have toys and clothes that Justus and Jon Marc outgrew.

In the last year, we have gotten to know Arraya better, and she has begun opening up to us about her hopes and fears. We were pleasantly surprised about six months ago when she started coming with her children to eat dinner and study the Bible with our spiritual family group, which meets on Thursday evenings in the village near our learning center. She enjoys reading the Bible with us and arrives early to help prepare food and get all the regularly attending neighborhood children settled. Arraya participates by offering praise to God, leading group prayer, including for those who are sick or facing difficulties in life, and even facilitating our study time. She has also started bringing both of her children to our learning center every Sabbath morning for our children’s church program.

Recently, Arraya mentioned that she would like to take us to visit her home village to meet her family about an hour away. We are excited to have the opportunity to get to know and build trust with them. Please pray for Arraya and her children as we support their journey as new disciples and that Arraya will be able to lead her extended family to Jesus.

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