Aron and Sokha

Image for Aron and Sokha

Ever since their daughter was strangled by her boyfriend and left for dead in the dump, Aron and his wife Sokha have been earnestly seeking God and His will in their lives. The miraculous way in which Jesus lifted the heavy trash from their daughter’s body, called her name and helped her to the police station left a deep impression on them.

After our initial visits, we studied the Bible together occasionally and invited the family to our village church group. Aron and Sokha began coming faithfully to our church, easily fitting in with the other Pnong believers.

“We want to work for God,” Sokha told our team over and over. “Aron has a reliable job with an NGO right now, but they aren’t Christian. Won’t you give him a job in your school? It’s okay if he has to take a pay cut. We just want to work for God.” We are very impressed with Aron and Sokha. Aron is honest, bright and self-motivated. He loves God zealously and is a natural leader. After praying and discussing together as a team, we decided to hire Aron to help Cara Greenfield establish and run an industry to support the school.

Aron has not disappointed us. Each morning, he is usually the first to arrive for staff worship, always with a smile. His first role was to research ideas for an industry. He did an excellent job, thoroughly documenting data and details.

Both Aron and Sokha have a very positive influence on our new believers. Though they are not yet baptized members, you would think they are! They have been going with us to our Sabbath-afternoon Bible studies in a distant Pnong village. The family there was struggling with Sabbath commitment. Before we ever had a chance to discuss the matter, Aron and Sokha were telling the family the importance of following God all the way and why Sabbath is so special (something we had studied with Aron and Sokha only a few weeks before). They were also able to help answer some of the villagers’ questions about evil spirits. Sokha gave her testimony of how she had invited Jesus into her heart, and then Aron proceeded to talk to them about baptism! “They want to be baptized!” Aron told us afterward. “When can we arrange for this?”

Later, on the way home, their joy was palpable. “Nothing fills the heart with happiness like telling others about Jesus!” Sokha exclaimed. “My heart is so full because I shared what Jesus has done for me. I want to come every Sabbath afternoon!”

Aron and Sokha are learning as they lead. Two Sabbaths ago, the topic of the state of the dead came up in our Sabbath School study. We had not yet covered this topic with Aron and Sokha. Aron began to explain things as he understood them, which started quite a discussion. We agreed that we would study the topic from the Bible the next Sabbath. We prayed earnestly that the whole group would be there and that the Holy Spirit would be the teacher. Our prayers were answered. Last Sabbath, everyone was there, and they all listened with rapt attention and asked many questions. Aron quickly picked up the meaning of the verses, and when we asked questions, he explained everything clearly and Biblically.

Please pray for Aron and Sokha. Because they are Pnong, they have an immediate rapport with the Pnong villagers and new believers. I believe God has chosen them to do a special work here.

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