
“Do you have the Taurat?” Ali asked, eagerly looking into my eyes. “I want to read it.” (The Taurat is the first five books of the Bible.)

“Yes,” I replied, thinking of my well-worn Bible with marked-up verses, which could easily offend a strict Muslim who believes it is disrespectful to put any markings in a holy book. “Actually, I will be receiving a new Taurat soon,” I said. “When I get it, I will let you read it.”

Several months later, my family and I drove up the long, dusty road to Ali’s little store. We sat and chatted with him and his family as we ate bananas. “In America, you must be very happy,” Ali said. “In America, people are rich and have beautiful houses. But you came to live here! You must not be very happy here.”

Hope smiled. “Actually,” she said, “We are very happy here, just as much as in America. There are some very rich people in America who have everything money can buy, but many of them are very sad because they don’t know and follow God’s ways. True happiness comes from God and from the love we share with each other.”

Ali looked thoughtful. He had God, he thought, but he still wasn’t happy. “I know what would make me happy,” he proclaimed. “If I had one more wife, then I would be truly happy.”

Hope and I knew a second wife would not fill the emptiness in Ali’s heart. We knew the real answer was sitting in our truck. “I have something to give you,” I told Ali, beckoning him to our truck. I carefully handed him a beautiful green Bible. He looked around nervously, concerned he might be seen. “Why don’t you put it in a bag?” I suggested. He looked relieved as he slipped the Bible into a bag and took it into his shop.

We began praying for Ali and his Bible. About a month later, Ali called me. “I have been reading the Bible,” he said excitedly, “and I only have 30 pages left!”

Pray for Ali!

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