AFM Training

We have nearly completed our second week of AFM Career Missionary Training. Jason and I feel hugely privileged to be here, and we’re excited about what we have been learning. Already we have learned a lot about things like culture shock, how to raise third-culture kids, how we can follow Christ’s model to start a growing disciple-making movement, even how to fill out expense reports. Our teachers have a wealth of experience and wisdom that they share with us generously. It is evident that they have been training and supporting missionaries for a long time, and we are benefitting from their years of experience.
Our kids are having the time of their lives. Half the day, my mom helps them do their chores and school, and the other half they spend playing with the children of our fellow missionary trainees. As they get more practice playing and cooperating with other kids, they are learning to be better little missionaries as well.

It is daunting to realize that learning theory is very different from putting it into practice in the field. Even when we finish training, we will have SO much more to learn. Laurence Burn, our primary instructor, reminded us that we actually face an impossible task, but God is the one who said, “Go,” and the burden of our success is on Him. Like Abraham in Genesis 12, our responsibility is to go to a place we have never seen, follow God’s leading, receive His blessing, and thereby we will be a blessing. Praise God!

Got to go now—our 6 a.m. group exercise comes awfully early! We appreciate your support and prayers so much, and you are in our prayers as well.

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