A Passion for the Work

My eight-year-old recently reminded me what passion looks like.

We were driving to church, and she was signing along with a CD. All of a sudden, the thought came to me that she should start a children’s choir. I suggested it to her, and she got excited about the idea and started to plan for it. That day at church, she asked the pastor if she could start the choir. I suggested she make CDs for the kids to learn the songs. She decided to name the choir Singers for Jesus and made some invitation cards with all the information about the choir for the children of the church so they could join. That was four days ago, and since then, all she has had on her mind is the choir and all its details. She can hardly wait until next Sabbath to give out the invitations and talk with the parents.

As disciples of Jesus, we can learn from my daughter’s passion for her choir. She is invested and excited, and it is always on her mind. If we were all this passionate, the gospel would soon be preached to all the world. I am praying that this can be my level of passion for God and for sharing the good news of our loving Savior.

Please continue to pray for us as we build our support team and prepare for Ireland. We pray that the Holy Spirit will do a mighty work in the hearts of the Irish people who will become our friends.

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