We are Stephen and Laurie Erickson with our two daughters, Karin and Johanna. In 2003, after working as an architect for 20 years, I received a pink slip and suddenly was unemployed. But God provided me with small jobs to pay the bills while, unknown to me, He was preparing us for cross-cultural mission work. An elderly saint in our church said to Laurie one day, “Maybe God wants you to be missionaries. Do you get the AFM magazine?” I attended a Christian men’s conference and heard a fiery young preacher talk about the need for missionaries in unreached areas of the world. But it was another eight months before I started thinking seriously about AFM. One night, I experienced some serious doubts and prayed for clarity and assurance that God was leading. Before dawn the next morning, I woke up realizing I had just seen myself in heaven surrounded by a dozen PNG men thanking me for coming to share the gospel with them.
We haven worked with the Gogodala people since 2007. We’re building a training-center campus that will also serve as a camp meeting facility. Twelve young men from Kewa village are helping us. None of them were church members before, but now, nearly all of them are baptized. Our plan is to use the training center to equip local missionaries to take the everlasting gospel to other villages up and down the Aramia River.
Currently, we are serving as field directors for AFM.
Dugout canoes to Gogodala are like ice skates to Canadians or cross-country skis to Finns.
Stephen Erickson
February 01 2010, 12:00 am | Comments 0
A while ago, I was in Port Moresby, the capital city, with a couple of our village elders. Thinking it might be nice to show them the parliament building, I drove them there one afternoon.
Stephen Erickson
January 01 2010, 12:00 am | Comments 0
It was Friday morning. The dawn’s first rays filtered through the coconut palms. A rooster crowed in the distance. A woman carrying buckets for her family’s daily water sauntered down the dirt path to the well.
Stephen Erickson
December 01 2009, 12:00 am | Comments 0
It had been a hard day of work, and my bed had never felt better. As I drifted off into delightful sleep, I was suddenly awakened by shrill, cackling voices.
Stephen Erickson
November 01 2009, 12:00 am | Comments 0
I would have to hurry if any timbers were to be cut that day. One of the rear tires on our four-wheeler had torn the day before, leaving me with only a wheelbarrow to carry my things into the bush.
Stephen Erickson
October 01 2009, 12:00 am | Comments 0