Jason has been blessed to spend his life in ministry, first as a Bible worker, then as an evangelist with Amazing Facts. Midori has always wanted to work overseas, but instead God opened doors in the States where her interest in young people led her to teach in a small multi-grade classroom.
Together they traveled around the United States doing Bible prophecy seminars for several years before God called them to pastor in the Michigan Conference. While pastoring, they were blessed with the birth of three precious children, Evangeline, Christian and Verity.
“As a family, our desire is to serve God where we are needed most, and God has made it clear that He is calling us to join Adventist Frontier Missions to reach the unreached with the gospel. We are excited to answer, ‘Here am I, send me.’”
We know it will all get done in God’s time. I’m just curious to see how God will do it!
Midori Sliger
March 01 2021, 10:08 am | Comments 0
What the world needs today is a baptism of sincere Christianity. My prayer is that, as the power of the Holy Spirit transforms my heart and yours, God will help us to fulfill this greatest part of the Gospel Commission: to restore the image of God in fallen man.
Jason Sliger
January 01 2021, 9:21 am | Comments 0
I am truly humbled as I witness the incredible love and generosity of God’s people. Children give money they have earned by doing chores. Seniors give from their Social Security checks. Others withdrawn funds from their retirement. Still others sell handcrafted items so they can support our project.
Midori Sliger
December 01 2020, 11:44 am | Comments 0
It is daunting to realize that learning theory is very different from putting it into practice in the field.
Jason Sliger
November 01 2020, 9:50 am | Comments 0
I so easily forget that my earthly possessions, which seem so precious, are temporary and prone to decay. They are nothing compared to the worth of eternal heavenly treasure.
Jason Sliger
October 01 2020, 10:39 am | Comments 0