Barnabas & Esther Hope

Career Missionaries since 2004, currently servings as AFM’s Tentmaker Ministries Coordinator. Previously, Barnabas and Esther Hope served as missionaries to the people of Turkey.

Barnabas Hope organizes AFM’s Tentmaker Ministries. He guides and supports people who wish to use their business or educational talents to witness in countries where direct evangelism is not allowed. Previously, Barnabas and Esther Hope served as missionaries to the people of Turkey.

Frontier Stories

The Miracle of Stone Soup

“I want to be baptized and follow Jesus.”

The Turkish words coming from my friend, Ozcan, riding in the back seat of my car sounded wondrously amazing to me.

By: Barnabas & Esther Hope
November 01 2009, 5:16 pm | Comments 0


Consider a single tick—you know, the tiny, brown, eight-legged blood-sucking creature. At the alarming moment you find a tick stuck to your arm or scalp, all other urgent matters vanish.

By: Barnabas & Esther Hope
September 01 2009, 5:14 pm | Comments 0

Jesus - A Good Name Indeed

I recently became friends with Jesus. He asked for my phone number, and I was happy to give it to him. He said he would like to get together some time.

By: Barnabas & Esther Hope
September 01 2009, 5:13 pm | Comments 0

Powerful Names

Turkish men tend to have powerful names. Here is a list of a few of my friends’ names: Achieve, Fist, Evolution, Rising Soldier, First Blood and Volcano. Thunderbolt is my friend’s boy. Most names in Turkey have a clear and definite meaning,

By: Barnabas & Esther Hope
August 01 2009, 5:11 pm | Comments 0

A Bad Day for Badness

It was a bad day for my Turkish friend when he accidentally dropped his cell phone in the toilet at the mosque. (Of course, it was an even worse day for his phone.) The public toilets here are usually just a hole. When something falls in, it is a straight plummet to the center of the earth, or at least some other abysmal place from which there is no escape. After my friend told me about losing his phone in the toilet, I called his number. It gave me a strange delight to know that, in a unique way, I was touching the very depths of our city’s sewage system. (How surprised I would have been had someone answered!)

By: Barnabas & Esther Hope
June 01 2009, 5:08 pm | Comments 0

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