John Baxter

John Baxter is the Human Resources Director for AFM.
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Frontier Stories

20/20 Vision

The beautiful thing is that once Jesus touches you, and you can see clearly, you can lead other wanderers to the Light. Go! Carry the light.

By: John Baxter
January 14 2020, 5:14 pm | Comments 0


We truly are living in the time of the end, and these days are so very important. We need men and women who will have their faith tested and proven through the crucible of discipling others into loving relationships with the Savior.

By: John Baxter
September 10 2019, 3:20 pm | Comments 0

But What of God?

Together we can hasten the end of sin and misery—for humanity and for God.

By: John Baxter
August 13 2019, 2:22 pm | Comments 0

Good, Better, Best

If you have not yet experienced the good, please try to get involved in a short-term mission trip in the near future. Even better, contact us so we can help you serve among the unreached in the coming year. Then be listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit to invite you into the best and highest calling for your life—to make a long-term commitment to living the gospel among people who do not know their Savior.

By: John Baxter
June 18 2019, 4:27 pm | Comments 0

One Small Step: the Challenge

We choose to finish the work so that Jesus will come back and we can go home. We will be transported—not on a rocket, but on angels’ wings—to a world beyond Orion.

By: John Baxter
June 11 2019, 1:45 pm | Comments 0

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