Claudette & René Aleman

Serving the Isan of Northeast Thailand. Career missionaries since 2021. Previously served in Central Thailand.

The Alemans and their daughters have been in pastoral ministry since 2007. René and Claudette were planning on serving with AFM in Ireland; however, tightening immigration controls in that country changed their direction, and they accepted a call as missionaries to Thailand. René and Claudette love personal evangelism and have participated in many short-term mission trips. They now use their pastoral experience and passion for building new relationships as they work in Thailand.

Frontier Stories

Cookie Baking Class?

Please pray for us. As you know, schedules can become filled with all types of activities, and often we can be so busy doing good things that we might miss out on doing the most important ones.

By: Claudette Aleman
January 01 2023, 10:47 am | Comments 0

Great Friendships

Leaving family and friends behind to live across the world is not always easy. However, God has a way of sending friends our way to bring joy and fellowship.

By: Claudette Aleman
December 01 2022, 11:51 am | Comments 0

Reaching the Third Space

Through all the different activities we have hosted at our home, I can see how so many of our friends have found a community with our family and feel comfortable in our space (home) where they feel valued, and everyone is the same (sons and daughters of God).

By: Claudette Aleman
November 01 2022, 8:52 am | Comments 0

Three Years

Please join us in prayer that all the connections we have made—through outreach, teaching English, game nights, baking cookies and eating together, worship, vespers, Bible studies and Sabbath School at our house—will bear fruit and that each will be quick to answer God’s call.

By: Claudette Aleman
October 01 2022, 9:36 am | Comments 0

High School Girls and Leadership Development

As missionaries, we do not want to come here and do all the work; then, when it is time to return to America, the work dies out.

By: Claudette Aleman
September 01 2022, 11:05 am | Comments 0

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