There are 3 ways in which people in the UK can donate to the work of AFM.
1. Cheque — Send a cheque, made payable to AFM, to the following address:
Pauline Allcock
12 Greenfinch Walk
GL15 5GY
Include a note stating the project to benefit from the donation.
2. Bank Transfer — Arrange a payment to AFM’s account at Lloyds Bank, Sort Code 30-99-21, account number 55208360. This can be done at a local branch or via internet banking. Set up a standing order if you wish to make a regular automatic monthly payment. Please include the name of the project as the reference. Please email Pauline Allcock for the detailed instructions.
3. International Credit Card — Make a credit card donation through AFM’s website. If you have an international credit card, select “Give” or “Give to This Project” on the appropriate page for the mission project to which you wish to donate. When you fill out the credit card information in your gift basket, select “United Kingdom” from the country drop-down list.
Other European Countries
You may donate one of two ways from other European countries.
1. Bank Transfer — To give via bank transfer of funds for a one-time gift or to set up a new automatic monthly payment, please email Cavelle Regis for the detailed instructions. Specify your country (Czech Republic, Germany, Norway, etc.).
2. International Credit Card — Make a credit card donation through AFM’s website. If you have an international credit card, select “Give” or “Give to This Project” on the appropriate page for the mission project to which you wish to donate. When you fill out the credit card information in your gift basket, select “Country Name” from the country drop-down list.
All Other Countries
International Credit Card — Make a credit card donation through AFM’s website. If you have an international credit card, select “Give” or “Give to This Project” on the appropriate page for the mission project to which you wish to donate. When you fill out the credit card information in your gift basket, select “Country Name” from the country drop-down list.
If you have specific questions, contact Cavelle Regis.
If you prefer to donate by check internationally, U.S. banks require a minimum amount equivalent to $300 U.S. dollars.