
Partnerships & Affiliations

Adventist Frontier Missions (AFM) seeks to work in close cooperation with the Seventh-day Adventist Church and other organizations to reach unreached peoples.

Adventist Church

AFM begins a project only after first receiving an invitation from the Adventist Church in that part of the world and signing an agreement with them. AFM has signed agreements with every world division of the Adventist Church. These agreements list specific areas of cooperation, mutual support and collaboration in outreach. In addition, we have a General Conference representative on our Board of Directors.

AFM’s board policies state our intention to work hand in hand with the Church.

  • 1.2.6 Integrate self-sustaining, self-propagating, and self-supporting churches into the oversight of the local mission/conference.
  • 1.2.10 Foster church-planting efforts in world regions by training and utilizing local lay personnel.
  • 1.3.6 Commitment to cooperate with the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. is an independent ministry that supports the mission of the Seventh-day AdventistⓇ Church; however, it is not part of, affiliated with, or supported by the General Conference of Seventh-day AdventistsⓇ, or any affiliates known as the Seventh-day AdventistⓇ Church. Thus, any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the services offered by Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. are solely those of Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. and not those of the Seventh-day AdventistⓇ Church.

Member of ASI

  • Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries is a cooperative network of lay individuals, professionals, business owners, and ministries who collectively support the global mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Sister Organizations

For many years, AFM had sister organizations in Canada, South Africa and Brazil. In 2022, AFM added sister organizations in Europe and South Korea.

  • Adventist Frontier Missions Society (AFMS) in Canada. 
    P.O. Box 816
    Abbotsford, BC V2T 7A2
    Phone: 855-428-2421
    Board of Directors: Cameron Rogers – President & Chair, Lana Kapiniak – Secretary-Treasurer, Barry Bussey, Curtis Leniak, D’Arcy Simanton, Bruce Hayward, Grace McIntosh
  • Adventist Frontier Missions-South Africa Trust (AFM-SAT) in South Africa
    Phone: +278-2923-8683
    Board of Directors: Conrad Vine – Chair, Cavelle Regis – Treasurer, Heino Torlage – Director, Bruce Bauer, Laurence Burn
  • Adventist Frontier Missions Korea

Abundant Life

Adventist Frontier Missions has partnered with Abundant Life (ABL), a South African mission organization which equips young people to take the word of God to the streets and into the homes of “every tongue, kindred and nation.” Abundant Life will support and help establish the AFM presence in South Africa (known as AFM South Africa Trust) and also create a support team to train and equip missionaries that want to serve the unreached in the world. If you would like to know more about ABL, visit the Abundant Life website.

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