One Life at a Time

Spring is the time of the ADRA Annual Appeal in the UK, and many of us have been busy going from house to house, not only to collect funds to help ADRA continue their work, but to find people to whom we can minister. As I reflected on ADRA’s slogan “changing the world one life at a time,” it struck me that this is just what our AFM missionaries are doing.

On my first visit to Albania, the Hendricksons took me to visit an old lady they had been helping. Entering her one-room home, I was shocked at how little she had. The Hendricksons certainly made a difference in her life.
In Ireland, the Freemans are changing lives for the better through Depression Recovery and other health programs. Sadly, others experiencing depression are not so fortunate. Recently, an Albanian mother in her mid-forties decided to end her life as she saw no hope for the future. If only she’d had the chance to find Jesus.

Your gift to an AFM missionary, however small, gives others the chance to meet Jesus and embrace the hope He brings. Thank you for bringing hope to the hopeless.

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