Friday Prayers for Muslims

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Over the years, I have become deeply convinced of the truths contained within Jesus’ dialogue with Nicodemus. Conversion really is the work of the Holy Spirit! At the same time, intercessory prayer for another’s salvation is one of the most powerful things we can do. In Scripture, united prayer for the Holy Spirit is an integral component of mission (Acts 2:1-4). Acts 1:7, 8 reveals that the Holy Spirit was poured out on a body of believers who were praying and preparing for mission. As we pray that God’s salvation will come to others, He blesses us with the personal presence of the Holy Spirit. Over this past year, God has increasingly convicted me that it is both our joyful privilege and solemn responsibility to unite in prayer for the salvation of others.

This month, we are beginning a new prayer initiative called Friday Prayers for Muslims, and we are inviting YOU to be directly involved! By God’s grace, Friday Prayers for Muslims will be a network of mission-minded Seventh-day Adventists who engage in intercessory prayer for the peoples of the Muslim world. The ministry involves intentionally praying each Friday morning for a Muslim friend, work colleague, neighbor, local imam, or for an unreached Muslim people group. Seek genuine friendship within your local Muslim community, and either intercede as an individual or set up a prayer circle in your family or local church.

In their daily and Friday prayers, every Muslim includes the phrase, “Show us the straight way.” We are praying that Jesus Christ will reveal Himself in an unmistakable and personal way in answer to that prayer, claiming His promise in John 10:16. Our website will have fresh details every week of an unreached people group for whom you may pray in addition to your local Muslim friends, together with many helpful resources and tips for sharing your faith.

We pray on Fridays because Muslims are particularly open to new spiritual insights each Friday, for this is the day when Muslims around the world participate in prayers and hear sermons at their local mosques.

Although we have profound theological disagreements with Islamic theology and many manifestations of Islamic practice, we must distinguish between Islam as a political-religious system and individual Muslims, just as we differentiate between Roman Catholic theology and individual Roman Catholics. For too long, followers of Jesus Christ have relied on human proofs, intellectual logic and rational argument to convert Muslims, and historically speaking, this approach has failed. Now it is time to step back from the vanity of human argument and rely on the One who alone can bring conviction—the Holy Spirit.

I invite you to join AFM in this new dimension of ministry. To find out more, please visit for more information and resources, or contact me directly at Let us unite in prayer for the salvation of others and see what God can do through us and for us!

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