Homeschool Teacher / Friendship Evangelist, North Africa

Pencil with sharpener and shavings

The Call

WADs01-1 Homeschool Teacher – You will use your talents to make learning fun and engaging for two elementary school-age children. Learn the local language and participate in ministry to the local people, making friends and sharing your love of Christ in a creative access country.

The People

The people of the Maghreb are predominately Muslim although remnants of animism and spiritualism remain. Women have more freedom in this society than in other Muslim controlled areas, but the national Africans are often still treated as slaves. Fear of “the evil eye” and demonic manifestations are common, and deliverance from such powers is a felt need of this people group.

The Project

An experienced church-planting family launched to this project in 2017 and another family joined them in 2019. Friendships are being engaged through a deliverance ministry and friendship evangelism in general. To learn more, view the project page for Maghreb

Get Started and Apply Now!

Questions? Contact for more details about this opportunity or to ask any questions about service that you might have.
