Go Getta Dala

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” (Prov. 17:22).

We were in the States visiting and speaking at one of our supporting churches. One of the Sabbath School classes at this church had decided to do something to help “their missionaries.” So, over time, they had taken up collections, and they presented us with a check the Sabbath we were there. In the presentation at Sabbath School, the class leader, an elderly gentleman holding the check, said with a smile on his face, “We’ve had a hard time pronouncing the word Gogodala, so we named our fund ‘Go getta dala.’”

We all laughed at the cute play on words. But there is a deeper lesson here: We may not understand or be able to remember the strange words in a foreign culture, but if we are willing to be used of God, He can change those strange names that sound like gibberish in our ears into something meaningful and even fun for us. When God calls us to the mission field, He doesn’t promise us a cake walk, but He does give us moments like this that put smiles on our faces and gratitude in our hearts.

May there be many Gogodala in the Kingdom because of people like you who “Go getta dala.” Thank you.

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