Family of God

I am so glad to be a part of the family of God and meet with my siblings as we travel.

When Arnold and I were recently passing through a town in northern Idaho, we experienced God orchestrating a family gathering. Arnold went into the local visitor center, and a kind lady asked where he was from. Though we have sold our home in the Weimar, California area, we still tend to say we are from there. When Arnold mentioned Weimar, the lady exclaimed, “I know where Weimar is. I am an Adventist! There was an instant bond. We ended up talking with this sweet sister, and a local brother who came in, well past the visitor center’s closing time. She even invited us to stay the night with her. I left that town with a smile on my face and a light heart having seen God’s children and my siblings working locally for the Lord.

Isn’t family amazing? They encourage us along the way, buoy our faith, laugh and cry with us and leave us better than we were. So often we have experienced the generosity of our brothers’ and sisters’ open homes, shared meals, prayer and loving time spent together. We rejoice to be a part of the family of God and to have family gatherings along the way.

I long to see this family grow. We all have been adopted into God’s family, and yet there are still many “orphans” in this vast world. As we go to visit the fatherless in Asia, won’t you join us with your prayers and monthly support?

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