
Recently, Arnold and I were on some trails and saw a beautiful butterfly flitting around us.

We have a special affection for butterflies due to an incident during our courtship. Unbeknown to me, as we were on a walk during our early days of courting, Arnold prayed that a butterfly would land on him if the Lord wanted our relationship to proceed. Nothing happened. Minutes later, as we were sitting by a river, a small butterfly suddenly landed on him. Then another and another! I counted six on him and one on me. It was an amazing phenomenon that we have never experienced before or since, not even in butterfly enclosures! So, at this time of year, we are reminded of this sweet part of our courting days and also of our Creator’s transforming hand in the life of a butterfly and how it parallels our own lives.

A butterfly’s beginning as a caterpillar is like our life here on earth—slowly trudging along, marred by sin and continually busy. When (if!) we die, our tomb can be thought of as a chrysalis in which our bodies await the next step. Finally, when Jesus returns, we will come forth with an immortal body, clothed with indescribable beauty, like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. And we will live forever!

What an amazing God who uses insects to draw our minds to the promise of our future transformation! God has amazing things in store for His children, and we want to share the joy and hope we have in Jesus with those who know nothing beyond the caterpillar existence. Won’t you join with us through your prayers and financial support?

—Diane Hooker

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